Monday, August 14, 2006

Be a Consultant...In One Easy Click

(MFRTZ) Scientists at the Institute for Leveraged Corporate Synergy have developed a system that generates buzzword phrases. The scientists conducted a double-blind study to determine how these phrases matched up against those produced by MBAs, Big 5 consultants, and C-level executives.

The study found that the computer generated phrases were indistiguishable from the human ones. In fact, 8 out of 10 subjects preferred the automated phrases saying that they seemed "less arrogant and condescending."

This feedback has prompted the institute to continue working on their system. Scientists believe that the Ego Gap can be filled within the year. The team also wants to pursue generating full reports...with colored graphs and PowerPoint slides. Big 5 beware!

Check out the public version of the system here to generate your own buzzwords.

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